Sunday, April 1, 2012

Media Tracking

The form of media, which I used the most, was Facebook. I used it almost once every two hours that I was awake because it is very accessible on my phone and it is entertaining when I am bored at work or walking from class to class. But for as often as I do log on, I only visit the media site for less than 5 minutes at a time so I would say that I was on that social media site for less than 3 hours in the duration of this assignment. I watched television for about three hours in the 48 hours and it was mostly right before I was going to bed or while I was getting ready for the day in the early morning (more like background noise).

The least form of media that I used was Page Six from the New York Post. I read this media site when I am home because my mother reads it and she will tell me about stories I would be interested in. I logged on for less than 5 minutes one time in the 48 hours that I was tracking my media usage. Other than that I used Twitter for less than 2 hours each day because as much as I do look at my Twitter and Facebook accounts, I don’t stay on for long periods of time. If I do stay on long its to read a story that’s trending or look at pictures a friend posted.

I spent all of my waking hours communicating with another person or people. I am in a constant text conversation with multiple friends and by constant I mean that it never ends throughout the entire day. I checked my e-mail three times a day (6 total) over the past 48 hours because I have to be up-to-date on all of my e-mails incase something important comes up or a class is cancelled J. I spent less than two hours speaking on a phone call though which is interesting because I am constantly on my phone, just not speaking directly with another person, mostly texting, checking Twitter, Facebook and my e-mail.

I spent a short amount of time using one-way media because I don’t have a lot of free time to sit and watch a television or listen to the radio. I listened to the radio for one hour each day (2 hours total) because I drove for one hour each day during this 48 hour period. In the car I use the radio for background noise, I’m not one to blast it.

I would be lying if I said I was surprised about the amount of media I used in the past 48 hours because my major is communications and I am naturally a social media person, since it is what my career will be. I will not decrease or increase my media usage because it’s a part of my career. If anything it will naturally increase as I enter the working world in public relations. 

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