Monday, January 30, 2012

Design Query

Courtesy of Chris Clarendon…
Is there a difference between “Art” and “Design” or are they one and the same?
Personally I believe there is a difference between art and design, they're not one and the same.
If they’re not the same, what’s the difference?
What is defined as "art" would be up to the viewer or as they say, "in the eyes of the beholder." and can be intentional or not intentional, where as I believe "design" is something planned and put together to be viewed in a certain way. A design is meant to be art but art can be anything. If that makes sense.
In your description of the difference, do you ever find yourself using terms such as “self-expression,” “function,” “monetary compensation,” “form,” “commission,” “meaning” or “aesthetics”?
Not exactly those terms but "form" can be inserted into my explanation of the difference. 
If you use any of these terms when defining the difference, are any exclusive to either “Art” or “Design”?
"Form" can be used for both art and design because they are both forms in my mind. 
If you wanted a nice picture to hang on a wall in your home, do you think you could produce it yourself after a sufficient amount of art education?
Yes, anything can be considered art in my definition. I could hang paintings from the six year old I babysit as art if that is how I see it. 
When you hire someone to do something for you that involves making aesthetic decisions, do you worry about getting your money’s worth?
I haven't been put in the position where I have to do that yet but if I paid for someone to make those decisions for me I would definitely be cautious to choose someone who can use an open mind and make decisions based off of my personal likes and dislikes as opposed to someone who can't stray away from their own views and design ideas. 
If you own an automobile, which is more important: how it looks or how it drives?
I do own a car, how it drives is most important because if it doesn't work how it is supposed to or I don't like the way I feel when I drive it then it isn't serving its purpose for me. 
Have you ever lived with an object you initially thought was ugly and then changed your mind about it after a period of time?
Yes, my mother's car. 
What changed your mind?
After a while, I got used to how it looked because I used it everyday and I started to like the style when at first I wasn't into two door cars.